well, yesterday was...ICK!! I started with a slight headache monday evening...and it didn't go away when I woke up this morning...in fact it got progressively worse...but I didn't give up...kept the lemonade chugging...but I was definitely irritable and major temple pounding...Michael looked it up (and so did I this morning) irritability and headaches can be a result of the toxins being "stirred up."
Summary of day 2: I was a grump...no one was happy in our home...did some pooping & lots of peeing...I went to bed early
Today...day 3: Much better, Headache gone...decided to use my vitamix to "juice" up my lemons...took 5 lemons, cut off the yellow part of the skin (thus leaving some pulp) and then threw them into the vitamix with a bit of water and blended away...much easier than juicing one at a time...earlier in the pm, my throat started hurting...now the entire top of my throat is scratchy and my tongue and mouth feel "fuzzy"...another sign of detoxing....i pooped 3 times today and still pee-ed a ton!!
Like Julia...I still want to SNACK...not because I'm hungry...just want a little bite of something here and there...how long will I continue??? I'm taking one day at a time...so we'll see...
oh, and forgot to mention that I was liking the drink cold, until about mid-afternoon yesterday, and now I prefer it warm/hot.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tim & Julia - Day 2 : We Survived!
So last night, we both drank our tea. Tim ended up getting a major headache (perhaps migraine?) and had to take some medicine. It hurt so bad, we just went to bed so he could sleep.
This morning, I woke up at 5:00a with major stomach pains. Well... not "MAJOR", just stomach cramping/hurting. Dorth had just told me yesterday how it had happened to her. So I got up and sat on the pot. Was there for about 30mins. Had to massage my stomach to help get things moving. Got a good orange-brown bowel movement. It seemed to float on top of the water like a lily-pad.
When I finished up, I decided to drink my half-quart of salt water. This time, I decided to try it with less salt. I was able to drink it w/o any problems. Went back to bed until 7:30a. Snooze. 7:40a. Snooze. 7:50a I got up. Got ready. Woke up Tim. I noticed he was about to try and fart.
"Don't fart!" I said quickly.
He jumps up. "Oh yeah! Good call!" he exclaims as he rushes to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he says good thing I told him to stop, or he would have exploded in bed. :) haha! He actually had to go a couple of times this morning before we left (which is good, since he said he only had 1 explosion at school yesterday).
We actually both woke up feeling pretty good. Work was a still a little hard since I see all the snacks around. I think I may have gone to the bathroom more today than yesterday. Today my poo's were a little more "oozy".
Didn't have the major food cravings that I had yesterday. Occasionally, I think, "Oh how good it would be to eat some sushi, or a burger, or even a piece of chocolate." And that's the hardest part. It's not that you're feeling HUNGRY... it's just that you want to EAT SOMETHING! A snack! ANYTHING! I'm thinking of freezing some of the lemonade mix to eat as a popsicle.
Oh yeah... today I tried using Cayanne capsals instead of adding it to the lemonade. The 'nade tasted LOTS better... but the Cayanne burns even MORE in the stomach! It made it hard because it feels like I just took some herbal medicine, and usually when I do that I eat something to ease the burn. Wheat Thins! Chips! :(
I ended up only taking one Cayanne capsal.
At around 2p, Tim called me. He said he had just gotten out of class. How HORRIBLE it was because during class, a kid came in, sat down next to him, pulled out his Wendy's hamburger, drink, fries, AND chicken nuggets. :( Poor Tim!! He said it smelled SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!
He's still on campus doing lab work, so I'll have to see how he did today.
In the future, do I think I'd do this again? Only if I feel INCREDIBLE TIMES 1000 at the end of this cleanse! Otherwise, I don't know if it's worth it... (though it really wasn't too bad today!)
This morning, I woke up at 5:00a with major stomach pains. Well... not "MAJOR", just stomach cramping/hurting. Dorth had just told me yesterday how it had happened to her. So I got up and sat on the pot. Was there for about 30mins. Had to massage my stomach to help get things moving. Got a good orange-brown bowel movement. It seemed to float on top of the water like a lily-pad.
When I finished up, I decided to drink my half-quart of salt water. This time, I decided to try it with less salt. I was able to drink it w/o any problems. Went back to bed until 7:30a. Snooze. 7:40a. Snooze. 7:50a I got up. Got ready. Woke up Tim. I noticed he was about to try and fart.
"Don't fart!" I said quickly.
He jumps up. "Oh yeah! Good call!" he exclaims as he rushes to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he says good thing I told him to stop, or he would have exploded in bed. :) haha! He actually had to go a couple of times this morning before we left (which is good, since he said he only had 1 explosion at school yesterday).
We actually both woke up feeling pretty good. Work was a still a little hard since I see all the snacks around. I think I may have gone to the bathroom more today than yesterday. Today my poo's were a little more "oozy".
Didn't have the major food cravings that I had yesterday. Occasionally, I think, "Oh how good it would be to eat some sushi, or a burger, or even a piece of chocolate." And that's the hardest part. It's not that you're feeling HUNGRY... it's just that you want to EAT SOMETHING! A snack! ANYTHING! I'm thinking of freezing some of the lemonade mix to eat as a popsicle.
Oh yeah... today I tried using Cayanne capsals instead of adding it to the lemonade. The 'nade tasted LOTS better... but the Cayanne burns even MORE in the stomach! It made it hard because it feels like I just took some herbal medicine, and usually when I do that I eat something to ease the burn. Wheat Thins! Chips! :(
I ended up only taking one Cayanne capsal.
At around 2p, Tim called me. He said he had just gotten out of class. How HORRIBLE it was because during class, a kid came in, sat down next to him, pulled out his Wendy's hamburger, drink, fries, AND chicken nuggets. :( Poor Tim!! He said it smelled SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!
He's still on campus doing lab work, so I'll have to see how he did today.
In the future, do I think I'd do this again? Only if I feel INCREDIBLE TIMES 1000 at the end of this cleanse! Otherwise, I don't know if it's worth it... (though it really wasn't too bad today!)
Tim & Julia - Day 1 : The Worst Day of Our Lives
I think the title says it all. :) Okay okay... it wasn't THAT bad. Mind over body, right?
Tim and & I started our cleanse yesterday. Well, we actually started Monday night, with some Senna Tea. (Dorth, that Apple-Cinn sounds good!).
Tuesday morning, we decided to wake up extra early to get a start with the Salt Wash. 7:30a for me... 7:40a for Tim. Tim used our glass Pyrex measuring cup and made the whole quart. I started with the 1/2 quart pyrex glass. First impression: "This will be easy! It's like flavorless Chicken Noodle Soup -- minus the noodles.
*I* only got less than half-way when I'd had enough. Tim worked his way through it. Go Tim! I slowly made my way through the half-quart (while frantically reading The Master Cleanse.pdf for a loop-hole.) Did you know that it's totally fine to just drink the lax. tea morning and night? Yup... it says that if you need the extra HELP, then you can do the salt wash... or I guess if you want a more thorough clean... WHATEVER! I'm sticking to the tea! (Then Tim made me compromise: 1/2 quart of salt water, cup of senna tea). okay.
Let's see... I think both Tim and I had some decent poo's before leaving for school and work. I tried to get a pic of Tim on the John, but he felt it was too personal. :) Both of our poo was very soft...and orangy-brown.
At work, I went about... 4-6 times. It kinda came in groups. Like I'd be fine for an hour, then I'd have to run and pee or poo for 3 x 10 min increments. Then I'd have another hour or two... then another set. Not too bad. I never really felt hungry... just had a strong urge and desire to SNACK! Wheat Thins! Crackers! Chip Chips! Granola Bars! Fruit Snacks! (We've got a kitchen/Snack area at work).
The lemonade was pretty good. Took a little to get used to it. After a while, I got used to the burning Cayenne.
After work was pretty hard. Usually, I'll go pick up Tim from campus at around 4:30p, then we'll head home and make dinner or grab something out-and-about to eat. It's kinda a ritual, I guess. Well, needless to say... we felt like our world was crashing down around us. We had no desire to go out. We just went home and played a couple hours of World of Warcraft to keep our minds off of it. Of course, Tim would constantly ask me, "What do you want for dinner?" or "Ready for dinner?" He'd say we could pretend to be eating a nice juicy hamburger, or fried chicken, or peanut butter. (BTW, it's pretty sad to realize how much you snack throughout the day, or to see WHAT THINGS you'd eat--JUNK FOOD!!)
Tim and I both admit that last night was the hardest... we both almost gave in. We've made a pact (unless we need to ween ourselves off the diet): After we close our fast on sunday, we're gonna go to Betos and get a greasy Breakfast Burrito. hehe. ;)
Tim and & I started our cleanse yesterday. Well, we actually started Monday night, with some Senna Tea. (Dorth, that Apple-Cinn sounds good!).
Tuesday morning, we decided to wake up extra early to get a start with the Salt Wash. 7:30a for me... 7:40a for Tim. Tim used our glass Pyrex measuring cup and made the whole quart. I started with the 1/2 quart pyrex glass. First impression: "This will be easy! It's like flavorless Chicken Noodle Soup -- minus the noodles.
*I* only got less than half-way when I'd had enough. Tim worked his way through it. Go Tim! I slowly made my way through the half-quart (while frantically reading The Master Cleanse.pdf for a loop-hole.) Did you know that it's totally fine to just drink the lax. tea morning and night? Yup... it says that if you need the extra HELP, then you can do the salt wash... or I guess if you want a more thorough clean... WHATEVER! I'm sticking to the tea! (Then Tim made me compromise: 1/2 quart of salt water, cup of senna tea).
Let's see... I think both Tim and I had some decent poo's before leaving for school and work. I tried to get a pic of Tim on the John, but he felt it was too personal. :) Both of our poo was very soft...and orangy-brown.
At work, I went about... 4-6 times. It kinda came in groups. Like I'd be fine for an hour, then I'd have to run and pee or poo for 3 x 10 min increments. Then I'd have another hour or two... then another set. Not too bad. I never really felt hungry... just had a strong urge and desire to SNACK! Wheat Thins! Crackers! Chip Chips! Granola Bars! Fruit Snacks! (We've got a kitchen/Snack area at work).
The lemonade was pretty good. Took a little to get used to it. After a while, I got used to the burning Cayenne.
After work was pretty hard. Usually, I'll go pick up Tim from campus at around 4:30p, then we'll head home and make dinner or grab something out-and-about to eat. It's kinda a ritual, I guess. Well, needless to say... we felt like our world was crashing down around us. We had no desire to go out. We just went home and played a couple hours of World of Warcraft to keep our minds off of it. Of course, Tim would constantly ask me, "What do you want for dinner?" or "Ready for dinner?" He'd say we could pretend to be eating a nice juicy hamburger, or fried chicken, or peanut butter. (BTW, it's pretty sad to realize how much you snack throughout the day, or to see WHAT THINGS you'd eat--JUNK FOOD!!)
Tim and I both admit that last night was the hardest... we both almost gave in. We've made a pact (unless we need to ween ourselves off the diet): After we close our fast on sunday, we're gonna go to Betos and get a greasy Breakfast Burrito. hehe. ;)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
salt water is NASTY...
yes, so i did the salt water flush thing yesterday morning...NASTY...i tried chugging it all down quick...(because aaron said it took him an hour, and i didn't want to drag it out that long)...so, i got 3c down...but then i felt ICK...after 1/2 hr, i was able to drink the rest...but still felt gross for most of the morning...finished "running" to the potty by 9:30 am, started drinking the lemonade stuff...and haven't been starving...i get hungry...tummy growling and etc. but like aaron, drink some lemonade and am fine. i've been drinking a apple-cinn flavor senna tea and it's actually yummy...
so, the cayenne pepper...HOT!!...and i definetly don't like the warm feeling in my throat and tummy afterwards...i went and got the cool cayenne capsules...about $9 for a bottle of 90 capsules and i've been fine...found out i like the lemonade a bit more watered down...and am getting used to the dark maple flavor...
i pee a lot and i also don't like how my teeth feel from all of the lemonade...other than that, like aaron...i do want to snack (habit snacking) and just found out last night that my red robin bonus bucks-$15.00-expire on the 28th of this month! UG!
oh, and unlike aaron, i still pooped this morning...
so, the cayenne pepper...HOT!!...and i definetly don't like the warm feeling in my throat and tummy afterwards...i went and got the cool cayenne capsules...about $9 for a bottle of 90 capsules and i've been fine...found out i like the lemonade a bit more watered down...and am getting used to the dark maple flavor...
i pee a lot and i also don't like how my teeth feel from all of the lemonade...other than that, like aaron...i do want to snack (habit snacking) and just found out last night that my red robin bonus bucks-$15.00-expire on the 28th of this month! UG!
oh, and unlike aaron, i still pooped this morning...
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I've got the stuff!
So the other night, I went to Good Earth health store in Provo.
I asked the Store Manager, Mason, to point me in the direction of the Maple Syrup, Grade B. He showed me, then asked, "Are you doing the Master Cleanse?"
I said I was, and he told me that he actually does it 4 times a year! He totally answered all my questions, recommended a laxative tea, and also Cayanne capsules (which he said he personally liked to use). Of course, I did lie about having the Master Cleanse booklet when he asked if I had it (since we got it through Adobe PDF, instead of paying the $5-6 bucks).
If I have any more questions, I can call up the store and basically talk to any of their employees, because he said many of the employees have done (or do) this master cleanse.
And so can you (even you, Aaron! While he was at the store getting the tea laxative, he called me up and had ME call Good Earth to find out what tea to use).
To visit their site, go to: Good Earth Natural Foods
Or to ask questions, call: Provo (801) 375-7444 - Orem (801) 765-1616
32 fl.oz. (1 quart) of Shady Maple Farms pure organic Maple Syrup Grade B : $24.89
1 box of 32 tea bags of caffeine free Alvita brand Senna Leaf tea : $5.65
1 bottle of 100 Cayenne capsules (40,000) heat : $8.99 (they offer these capsules in a "COOL" version which is lower in heat, and thus does not "burn" in your stomach).
Bags and Bags of fresh lemons from Arizona (Tim's sister has a lemon tree!) : nothing!
We might might might start Friday night... (that's what Mason recommended) ...but not sure yet.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Day 1 - Is it black?
Ok, so I've about finished day one. :) Nope, no black poo or anything. Dot asked me on the phone.... So, last night, I drank some Peppermint tea - which I was told has a mild laxative effect. After a couple of hours, I was hungry for my late night snack, so I made some lemon drink. Now, just to let everyone know, the pdf from the podiatrist lists the cayenne pepper amount wrong! :) I found out the hard way. He has it listed at 1/10 Tablespoon, when in fact it should be only 1/10 of a teaspoon. So, it was kinda spicy, and my stomach was burning as I went to bed. Wasn't sure if I was going to make it for 10 days - if I were going to go that long. So, I think I woke up at about 2am and had to go pee....I went for a loooonnngggg time. Probably the longest micturation I've taken in the night. Weird. Then, in the AM, this morning, I went ahead and made the salt wash with 1quart of warm h2o and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. It took me about 1 hour to finally get most of it down. It was definately a little strange, but not to the point that I couldn't do it-just imagine drinking sea water while you're out in the ocean. After about 1/2 an hour of starting the drink, I started using the john. This proceeded for about 1-2 hours of just going back to talk to john. Dallin was wondering why I had to go so much - he wanted to play some games. My stomach was a little uncomfortable because of so much water, but once it left my system, I've been fine. After that, when I started to feel hungry, I made my next cup of lemonade - after I guzzled it, I checked the website and book, and realized that the cayenne pepper amount was wrong :(. Good thing I didn't make the "large" batch.
So...I've found that if I use a 32oz water jug, fill it to 32oz, then juice 2 lemons, add 8 Tbs of maple syrup (4 fluid oz.), and a somewhat heaping 1/3 teaspoon of cayenne (about 2mils). Once it's all in, just shake and drink. 2 of the 32oz jugs a day should be sufficient. I just made sure that I drank more when it was supposed to be meal time. Oh, and it doesn't taste bad - actually pretty good, just weird because of the 'zing' from the cayenne pepper...
So, the result. I haven't been hungry at all. I have noticed that I habitually snack, and that was the hard part - not grabbing a snack. I didn't crave anything. And I haven't pooped since this morning when I did the wash. Don't know if that's a good thing or bad. :) Tomorrow I'll forgo the wash, because I don't think I can work and "run" at the same time. HAHA!
32oz Maple Syrup Grade B - $14.00
Walmart Organic Lemons (in 2 bags of 10) - $5.00 each bag
Red Ground Pepper - Cayenne - $2.14
Toilet paper - priceless!
So...I've found that if I use a 32oz water jug, fill it to 32oz, then juice 2 lemons, add 8 Tbs of maple syrup (4 fluid oz.), and a somewhat heaping 1/3 teaspoon of cayenne (about 2mils). Once it's all in, just shake and drink. 2 of the 32oz jugs a day should be sufficient. I just made sure that I drank more when it was supposed to be meal time. Oh, and it doesn't taste bad - actually pretty good, just weird because of the 'zing' from the cayenne pepper...
So, the result. I haven't been hungry at all. I have noticed that I habitually snack, and that was the hard part - not grabbing a snack. I didn't crave anything. And I haven't pooped since this morning when I did the wash. Don't know if that's a good thing or bad. :) Tomorrow I'll forgo the wash, because I don't think I can work and "run" at the same time. HAHA!
32oz Maple Syrup Grade B - $14.00
Walmart Organic Lemons (in 2 bags of 10) - $5.00 each bag
Red Ground Pepper - Cayenne - $2.14
Toilet paper - priceless!
...hello out there...
so, i've noticed that some of you have linked your blogs to this one...anyone blog surfing is sure to come across our "interesting" topic of conversation that comes up...and since no one has posted the link to the "master cleanse" and the "lemonde diet" I'll just post it now so that those of surfing can be better informed as to what we have been talking about...
Kiera & Emma escapades!

BTW: Kiera was my best pooper during potty training. I don't remember when it started, but right before naps, I would throw her on the potty, she would poop, and then off to nap! (worked like clockwork!!) Seemed like I never had to change poopy diapers for her!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
we don't recommend this...
A few weeks ago Aaron found Tanner in the bathroom and saw him put something in his mouth. You got it...he'd found a piece of poo and had it in his mouth....nothing's grosser than than!
Kassidy and Reality
Last year, Dorothy and Mike drove down to Utah with their girls to visit us.
Dorothy and I were in the bathroom for some reason, and Miss Kassidy was on the toilet going poo. Well, she finished up, got off the John, then headed out. Dorothy went to the toilet, looked down, and asked, "Kassidy, did you wipe?"
Kassidy replied, "Yes."
Dorothy looks at her and exclaims: "Then where's the toilet paper?? I don't see any toilet paper!"
hehe... Sorry, this is simply what I remember of the situation. :)
Dorothy and I were in the bathroom for some reason, and Miss Kassidy was on the toilet going poo. Well, she finished up, got off the John, then headed out. Dorothy went to the toilet, looked down, and asked, "Kassidy, did you wipe?"
Kassidy replied, "Yes."
Dorothy looks at her and exclaims: "Then where's the toilet paper?? I don't see any toilet paper!"
hehe... Sorry, this is simply what I remember of the situation. :)
A cousin...
One of our cousins (I won't say who) used to think that the amount of toilet paper you used to wipe was dependant on the number of poo's your bum bum released. So if you only had 3 poo poo's, you only had to wipe your bum 3 times. Hehehe...
Poo Story Posting... ?
As main poster of this blog, I propose that each member submit some good (and funny) poo stories (past or present) that will help alleviate any pressure bloggers may feel towards poo-ing.
P.S. Please put "poo stories" in the post labels.
P.S. Please put "poo stories" in the post labels.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Sorry... as I was laying in bed, I realized I named this blog wrong! It should be "Lose The Poo"!!!
Plus, I thought BROWN would be a perfect background color. :O
Please repost your comments!!
Plus, I thought BROWN would be a perfect background color. :O
Please repost your comments!!
Set a Date
Okay, let's set a date for our 3 (or 10, if you're brave enought) day cleanse. Any suggestions??
Welcome! Let us begin our journey together into the disgusting realm of the nasty Chan Rectum Tracts...
... Let me first turn back the sands of time... ... to a time when we were sitting around some tables eating some ice-cream...or custard. Before Stacy got that raspberry seed in her tooth, we talked about...
TODAY, we have the recipe/formula to cleanse our colons.
Onward and Upward! (or Downward and Outward).
Stacy shared her friend's experience with a natural colon-cleansing method...
... and a seed was planted.
TODAY, we have the recipe/formula to cleanse our colons.
Onward and Upward! (or Downward and Outward).
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